Friday, March 30, 2012

is it possible to recieve result of SQL stored procedure to web page?

I have web server with .aspx page from wich I call stored procedure on MSSQL server. In this procedure are lots of "select" statements and I need to show results of this statements in web page. Can I call this procedure in that manner that procedure output is writen in some file and this file then ir recieved by web server and included in web page.

for (int i=0; i<dataset.Tables.Count; i++) {
// loop rows
for (int j=0; j<dataset.Tables[i].Rows.Count; j++) {
// loop columns
for (int k=0; k<dataset.Tables[i].Columns.Count; k++) {
if (k < dataset.Tables[i].Columns.Count - 1) {
Response.Write(", ");

this isn't exactly what you want, but idea.|||If the procedure returns a fixed number of result sets, you can return the results a datareader and then bind each result set to something like a datagrid or a repeater using .nextresult between bindings. A datareader can hold more than one result set. It can be pretty handy.

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