Wednesday, March 28, 2012

is it possible to know whether report still executing

Hi friends
i've .net app where display reports from report server using SOAP api.
all works fine. my question is,
i have a export button on my screen to export to different formats.
whats happening is , as you know, when load report it says "report being generated" ,right ?
so our users clicking export button before report is loaded into report viewer control.
is it possible to know whether the report is still being loaded ?
Thanks for your help

Are you using winforms or webforms?

With the winforms ReportViewer control, you can use the RenderingComplete event.

If you are using webforms, there is no client side event that exposes this information I have not tried, but it might be possible to determine when the page finishes loading using the body onload event.


Thanks for that Brian.

Yes , am using a winform with a report viewer control.

i'll give a try using "RenderingComplete" event.

Thanks for your help


Hi prk,

i wanted a help from u, how are u uploading files to the reporting server.

i wanted it to programmatically instead of manual upload, all the help from this FORUM i got is that, i should use SOAP API. which i am not able to do it.

I am new to .NET technology. if u have any samples with SOAP API please send it to me /


Thanks Brian

That worked nicely :)

i've not done that the moment all reports created by report builder by our end users. and i just use soap api to load reports .
anyway to help you on this ,you need to give web reference to 2 services. one is for report management and the other one is report execution end points. these references create a proxy class for you in ur project. thats using SOAP api.
see following books online link on how to add web reference

once you add web reference now you can access report server within ur .net app.
check following examples in books online

following should help you in what u want. it talks abt how to add reports to report server programmatically

let me know how you are going with this.
Best of luck|||


I am working on report view of a web form. I am looking for some event can fire after a report rendering. I only find a RendingComplete event of report viewer in a window form. But I could not find a similarly enent in the web form. Could some one help me?

Jennifer Xu

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